6 things to include to make your mark

The about page. One of the most important, yet painfully difficult pages you’ll ever write for your own business, and one many people trip up on.

Why? Because when it comes to writing about your own service, expertise or products, it’s hard to gain objectivity as you’re emotionally invested – and plus, nobody likes blowing their own trumpet.

But here’s the thing, the about page is not actually about you. It’s about your prospects, so the pressure’s off.

Just as your home and services pages highlight your offer, solutions and expertise, your about page should tie all this together and show how you are uniquely able to solve the need or problem.

As one of the most frequently visited pages on your site, it’s often the one that can be the decider about whether you are the right fit for them. That’s why is soooo important to take the time to get it right,

Here are a few things you can easily implement to ditch the sales spiel and get your about page winning hearts and minds…

Make your reader the hero of your story

You’ve probably heard it a million times, but here’s what I mean by making your reader the hero.

Many people who launch into business marketing are so razor focused on pushing their products and services out there, that they focus too much on those instead of on the people they are marketing to.

Time and again business about pages are used as a landing pages to talk about themselves, instead of connecting with, and enticing their clients and customers.

By making your reader your focus, you are writing to them and for them. Appealing to their needs and goals and positioning yourself as the enabler of their success – ‘work with me and you can achieve xyz’.

Your X years’ of experience translates into a unique skill base / or expertly developed product. Positioning your history and experience this way shows how you can help them solve their problem, fulfil a need, and achieve a lifestyle or goal they’re unable to reach without you or it.

Writing to the reader (your ideal client or target customer), lifting them up and offering a solution, builds trust and likability, which is key in the sales process.  

Tickle the PAIN points & show the outcomes made possible by your offer  

Empathy is a winning emotional connection that you must tap into when marketing your business.

Your experience counts for a lot (of course it does), but if you can enter into the psyche of your ideal customer and show you understand, you take them from where they currently are to where they want to be.

You back all this up with your excellent offerings and service and you’re already proving yourself to be the right ‘partner’ or product for them.  

Why you do it. What you do. How you do it

More than ever, the power of why is essential to your brand story as a small / medium sized business owner,

People have countless options to choose from, and consumers are getting savvy and are more conscious than before. They’re increasingly drawn to purpose-led brands and they want to spend their money with businesses whose values align with their own.

This could be your ethical standpoint, or even just the quality of your customer service.

If they are on your web pages, they are interested, so if you’re doing things differently make sure to show them…

The about page is a great opportunity to show your process, quality and give them an idea of what it’s like to work with you.

Tell your origin story. Spill a little personal stuff if you fancy

Now is your chance to tell your audience who you are and where you come from.

You have 25 years in business? Perfect! How did you end up working in tech since you spent your career in teaching?

Connect the dots, build the story but make sure it links back to why you’re in business today.

For personal led brands like solopreneurs, mentors and coaches, sole traders etc. the personal touch can be an opportunity to throw in some crazy known facts about your hobbies, interests and more.  

This might just help you find your ‘tribe’ and attract more of those ideal prospects… know – like – trust – buy.

Social proof builds the trust factor

Do you have testimonials, reviews or case studies of success projects you can include?

If you can make space for social proof here, this gives gravitas to your brand. By introducing an external perspective, which highlights the quality and service of what you do, you can break down any barriers they may have in taking the next steps towards making the purchase.

4 easy tips for posting Blog Graphic

Share credentials and awards if you have them

If you or your business has won awards, been on courses or gained qualifictions relevant to the work you’re now doing, add these. They stand as credibility markers that really just reaffirm what you’ve already talked about.

Some people are not comfortable thinking of themselves as ‘an expert’ but if you have the skills and experience, you’re more qualified than the people who buy your products and services – that you can be sure of!  

You are the expert(s), so don’t keep it a secret. And don’t be afraid to show your relevance on your about page.

Key takeaways

  • Your about page is not all about you
  • Make your reader the hero of your story
  • Target the pain points and show the outcomes and possibilities you can help them achieve
  • Why, what and how you do business is important to your clients / customers
  • Tell your origin story for context
  • Include credentials and social proof for credibility

Reach out

If you’re looking for help structuring your about page I can offer thoughts and suggestions. I offer free 20-minute discovery calls where I can help you get clear on your next steps, and you can go away with implementable actions.

Click here to book one in.